Finding Balance

At the end of 2016 I decided I needed to do something other then being ‘just’ a mum. I still wanted to be with M all the time but wanted to have time on my own while making money. 

I started a small cleaning business for myself. I mostly clean vacate properties but also have one private home with growing interest. With the vacate properties I can choose my hours (mostly when M is in bed as the weather is far to hot here) be alone & make money. 

With the new year I gained a lot of jobs, which is great this is what I wanted but this week has been huge. I received a job of a deceased persons home whose family didn’t come to collect personal/house hold items. To which the job included removing everything, most items were donated other stuff thrown to the tip. This job took 32 hours over 6 days as 2 days were 40 degrees. 

During this time I didn’t feel 100% with M as my mind was focused on job even when I was at home, I actually felt so overwealed by this house it made me stressed and I made it a priority over my family. 


It’s finally funished along with the other back log of cleaning jobs I had. 

I can now 100% focus on my family for at least the rest of the week. 

But I am curious to know what this business adventure might lead too.